No pic for this one. I'll add one later if the fates allow!
I was a big fan of all the Indiana Jones movies back in the day. When the fourth one, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, finally came out, it was exciting times! Harrison Ford only seemed to get cooler with age, and what a treat it would be to see Indy in action again after so long.
The flick promised to be more practical effects-oriented and would be directed by Steven Spielberg, of course.
But it wasn't so hot.
The actors were good, the production value was high, and Marion from Raiders of the Lost Ark returned.
There was some unsatisfying CGI here and there, and a story that was on the confusing side.
Hey, movies are hard to do. Writing is tough. This isn't about dissing anyone; it's about seeing problems that are much easier to see as an audience after something is made, and learning some lessons from it.
The story aside, I identified two big problems in the theater as I watched.
One - The events of the story didn't seem painful enough, physically OR mentally, for Indy. That was a big part of what made the other movies work. His adventures were hard on him.
Two - There was little variation to the emotions of the scenes, or the emotions weren't hit properly or with enough clarity.
In all the other three, there were exciting scenes. Suspenseful scenes, SCARY scenes. Sweet scenes. Funny scenes. A sense of astonishment and discovery here; a gross out scene there. The newest movie didn't hit those moments to me.
It was sort of similar to the newest Star Wars movie (I hate to say it. Not picking on Harrison Ford, either. Harrison Ford's the best!)
If a comic isn't a gag or strip oriented one, it's a good idea to have some variation to your pages or scenes, and hit as many different emotions as you can. At the right moments. It prevents reader fatigue and just makes a story better!
Do you think about the emotions of your scenes? Is a variety of emotion important to you as a creator or as a reader? Are all emotions squeezable into all stories?
Have a fine Thursday!
-Emo Banes
Emotional Color Wheel
Banes at 5:11AM, June 21, 2018
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Tantz_Aerine at 4:48PM, June 21, 2018
I have a full range of depressing emotions in my comic.
KimLuster at 4:09PM, June 21, 2018
Great article! And I hear ya... I do wonder, though, in a continuing series, if it's always good to ride the emotional roller coaster. The Die Hard movies... I think it was the third one, they're asking "why does this keep happening to us?!!" Are they really wondering, or begging us the audience to suspend disbelief a little longer!! But yeah, I can do that if it's a good movie! As for myself, I literally make faces conveying the emotions I'm depicting in art, so I laugh, ponder, even tear up sometimes... Maybe I should get a different hobby lol!!
bravo1102 at 11:46AM, June 21, 2018
Like the critic said about Bette Davis, my comics cover the range of emotions from A to B.
usedbooks at 6:03AM, June 21, 2018
I think of emotions, mood, and intensity all the time. My favorite scenes are often heavy or tense or otherwise intense, but I like to have oases of levity and calm.