Today I got a list of stuff I want to talk to you about and remind you!
She has a pretty high vet bill to pay for saving the lives of her awesome rats. So please help her out whichever way you can! She has a gofundme page set up about it, please spread the word and support her campaign if you can!
She also is making animal charms to sell for the same purpose, check them out here!
Second off:
It's a week before the deadline for sending me your DD Awards Wallpapers characters!!
See more info about what you need to do IF YOU ARE A DD AWARD OR DD USER AWARD NOMINEE here!
Please help make these wallpapers as complete as possible!
Third off:
Please use the Twitter_Feature promo tool we've created for you! It's open to everyone who has a comic with more than 10 pages (just so there will be enough material to support the twitter thread illustrations) and wants to promote it via the DD Twitter account, that has a steadily growing follow count and hit rate!
All you need to do is just PQ me and ask to book your Sunday.
Whether you're in the front page's top ten or already featured at the front page or already have an audience, still go ahead and book a Twitter_Feature- more advertising never hurts!
And that's all for today, have a great weekend!
A Few Announcements and Heads Up!
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 15, 2018
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
IronHorseComics at 4:55AM, Sept. 15, 2018
good thing you dais something about the poster thing, I had completely forgot about it