The Mucha Foundation is proud to announce its ongoing tour of Alphonse Maria Mucha’s work and how it has inspired countless modern styles from Grateful Dead covers to the line art for manga books. The show is currently open in the Sapporo Art Museum in Japan and will run until mid-April before moving to its next installment location.
Mucha, a Czech painter living in Paris during the Art Nouveau movement (circa 1900) was most notably known for his stylized and decorative theatrical posters. The ideals of Art Nouveau was an organic style, with inspirations derived from nature. Everything from the lettering to the folded drapery and smoke lines from a “Job” cigarette ad were all unique to Mucha’s style and emulated many times over a century later.
The Timeless Mucha art show encompassed several of Mucha’s works and beyond demonstrating how modern artists, specifically manga artists have adapted his style and created an evolved version of the original.
If you live in or are planning to visit Japan this year, look out for the Mucha exhibitions!
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From Mucha to Manga
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2020
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hushicho at 4:47PM, Feb. 3, 2020
That is truly wonderful. Art nouveau is still very popular and has enjoyed a strong resurgence in popularity in the past few years. It also developed during a time of great interest in the art of Japan, and truly came into its own due to the developments in print-making, which made art accessible to so many more. If you enjoy Mucha's work -- and he is one of my favorite artists of all time -- also check out the work of Gustave Moreau, held in esteem by many as the father of art nouveau.
Avart at 9:09AM, Feb. 3, 2020
Excellent art!