That's right it's reached 200 pages as of this week!
Belle is a B-Movie actress. See where it all started with friends and family and watch a sampling of her sometimes awful but interesting exploitation movies full of gratuitous exploitation of everything. Drama, humor, adventure across different genres all illustrated with “innovative” “creative” digitally manipulated photos of action figures depicted so realistically you'll forget it's just a bunch of dolls, sets and digital art.
Now read it or suffer a lifetime of emptiness. I'm killing myself here.
Yup, two hundred pages.
With all the hype and promotion. The comic updates with new pages Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There's a buffer through July so no worries of long lapses of no content.
Written by Bravo1102
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200 pages for Belle's Best: the films of Belinda Brandon.
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 24, 2021
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
plymayer at 9:55PM, May 24, 2021
Certainly one of the best here on the D of D. Nothing else like it. Very original and entertaining. Hit the like button and notifications. Oh, that's for the yootoobs. Okay, read it. Enjoy it. Make it a favorite. It's one on my favorites.
Andreas_Helixfinger at 9:37AM, May 24, 2021
Oh! And jokish rant aside... congratz from me too^^
bravo1102 at 8:14AM, May 24, 2021
Thank you everyone. :)
bravo1102 at 8:12AM, May 24, 2021
@dpat57. I'll be following your example and probably be spreading the next 200 pages over a couple of comics.
dpat57 at 7:36AM, May 24, 2021
Well done, omg is this where we say here's to the next 200 pages?!
jerrie at 7:11AM, May 24, 2021
congratulations on 200 pages Bravo
damehelsing at 7:08AM, May 24, 2021
Banes at 6:38AM, May 24, 2021
Congrats on 200 bravo!!
agentny003 at 4:01AM, May 24, 2021
Way to go Bravo!
Andreas_Helixfinger at 2:19AM, May 24, 2021
Yes! Yes! No worries! I'm still a slow and very scatterbrained type of reader, and I loose track of what I'm currently reading easily, but I'll get to this one too in due time^^ No problem👍 Now please stop killing yourself. I need you alive^^