On this day in 2021, The KAMics by KAM will reach its 2025th page milestone.
KAM writes:
On Monday, November 8, The KAMics will reach 2,025 pages.
I thought the first page of the current storyline would be good, so decided to take the art and make a few changes for an announcement… I think I went a little overboard…
Have a nice day! :-)
Congratulations on a record-breaking comic page number, KAM!
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The KAMics Reaches an Impressive Milestone!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 8, 2021
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
KAM at 3:51AM, Nov. 11, 2021
Thanks, Hushicho! :-)
hushicho at 3:07PM, Nov. 9, 2021
Congratulations! That's such an impressive milestone.
KAM at 2:52AM, Nov. 9, 2021
Thanks! :-D Chugging along like a train going downhill with no brakes! Wait... that's not the right analogy. ;-)
Banes at 7:19AM, Nov. 8, 2021
Congrats, KAM! There's no stopping the KAMics freight train!