Photo: Bob Saget (1956-2022)
Bob Saget revolutionized home videos years before they could be instantly uploaded, streamed online, and go viral. Yes, that is right, Sunday nights in the nineties meant a new episode of “America’s Funniest Home Videos”, a show where home movie enthusiasts would send recorded copies of VHS tapes to a television studio where two of the three male leads from Full House would pick their favorites, would be broadcast live, on-air.
In Full House, a show about a widowed, single dad having to take care of three daughters, Saget’s character Danny Tanner was not a father figure, per se. He portrayed an individual with a meticulous obsession with cleaning that fully expressed itself during a scene where the other characters discover a mouse trap sitting on a doily. His clean and tidy persona was juxtaposed by his stand-up act, a set made up of anything but Dad Jokes.
Finally cementing his role as a favorite TV Dad in the 2000s, Saget became known as the narrator voiceover for the future Ted Mosby in “How I Met Your Mother”.
‘Hey kids’, (a favorite moniker from HIMYM) you do not need to search far to appreciate the best of Bob Saget.
“SUCCUBUS” by TheDeeMan and Coydog. COMING ON JANUARY 17TH!!!
SUCCUBUS: Ten years ago she was violently murdered by a group of spoiled, rich sons of privilege. Privilege that would protect them from justice. But her death was the beginning of their end. Ten years later, she has returned with a thirst for revenge…And blood. Hell hath no fury–Like a woman reborn!!!
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Ode to Bob Saget, SUCCUBUS Begins Today
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2022
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Ozoneocean at 8:37PM, Jan. 18, 2022
RIP Bob. I always hated his voice back in the 1990s... But the 1990s TV had a way of twisting interesting, well rounded people like Bob Saget, Drew Carey, Howie Mandel, and others into glurgey, ultra nice-nicey caricatures of themselves. He was a much greater man than my 1990s TV watching experience led me to believe.
cdmalcolm1 at 3:53PM, Jan. 17, 2022
Very, very sad that Bob pass away In Orlando. I knew he was in town touring but when I got that notification on my phone I thought at first maybe a plane accident. (We have two small plane airports. 1 in Kissimmee the other Orlando, a few miles away from MCO. Private jets normally land and take off from these airports.) but as I was reading the article, he retired to his suite and was found later. I thought he left Orlando. When he was found, it seemed surreal. He was just alive a day ago. What happened? That is crazy. Many stars and athletes come and go to Orlando. We normally get news days and even weeks ahead who’s coming to do shows. It’s one of Orlando’s attractions. So hearing of his passing was surprising. RIP Bob Saget.