Tuk lives with odd roommates, a tiny long-neck dinosaur and a mischievous human-sized Venus fly trap with a taste for metal irons and baby poodles. Experiencing a dry spell of good luck as little accidents occur around the house on a regular basis, Tuk constantly lands into disastrous situations such as an ink pen not working, laundry detergent spilling all over the floor, or being harassed by a whole gang of flies. Tuk is visited by a little, little parrot named Lorito, Lorito, when stargazing in the backyard at the end of the day, just in time to block the view.
The entire comic is bilingual in English and Spanish with both translated versions posted in each update. Traditional comic strip format with one to three panels per page.
Move into Tuk’s apartment and read Tuk and His Dinosaur by RGComicArtist, rated E!
Link: https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Tuk_and_his_Dinosaur/
FEATURED COMIC --> Tuk and His Dinosaur
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 24, 2024
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HawkandFloAdventures at 10:42AM, July 24, 2024
Congrats on the feature!