Photo: “M.Organ Milestone (Adults Only)”. M.Organ Art by MOrgan. (August 2024)
MOrgan writes:
M.Organ Art reached 800 pages on Sunday, August 25.
Since the update probably isn't safe for the front page, I've made up a hopefully safe image.
Have a nice day,
M.Organ Art Synopsis
Adults Only!!! The cartoons of M.Organ generally feature nudity, sometimes sex, & occasionally bad language! Other than that they try to be funny, if a bit strange. Tries to update on Sundays. (Rated A for Adult)
M.Organ Art Link:
Congratulations, MOrgan! It is always nice to have More M.Organ Art Comics on the site. The cover image alone shows we have a clever comedian in our midsts.
Photo: “- Spring - Ch.1: Page 12”. Imago, Nebraska by InkyMoondrop. (August 2024)
InkyMoondrop writes:
“Oh yeah, Hi!
Since the first, short chapter of Imago, Nebraska ends on the 7th of September, if you think an announcement is warranted, It'd be delightful.
I'll update the description on the 8th so if you read the comic ‘til then it won’t spoil it for you, but the first chapter is just a very basic introduction to the main character's backstory and it's just giving a taste of what's yet to unfold. The 2nd chapter, with a page / day publication should last until sometime in November, but I have several more chapters drafted and atm about 40 planned in total so this is going to be a lot slower and a lot more mature, subtle and serious than my previous works. Lots of pages just setting up moods and of course there will be twists, I can't remember when I wrote a chapter without one. Anyway… Potential readers… thanks if you give it a chance, it might take a few chapters for it to take its final form, but I'm sure you'll find it as rewarding as watching a good show.”
Imago, Nebraska Synopsis
Mysterious stranger arrives to the quiet town of Imago. Can he find himself in a place, where everyone seems to be lost in their own story? Can time really heal all wounds? A melancholic meditation on life and our willingness to embrace it. Updates daily. (Rated M for Mature)
Imago, Nebraska Link:
Photo: “- Chapter 8 - Page 123”. Blessed Days by InkyMoondrop. (August 2024)
Blessed Days by InkyMoondrop has made the ambitious stride to 1,200 pages as of today. Congratulations on the spectacular milestone achievement, InkyMoondrop!
Blessed Days Synopsis
Robin Sinclair is as immature as one can be, so raising her part-demon child on her own might just be too much for her to handle! On top of the everyday mishaps of motherhood, she finds herself entangled in a dark web of lies and her life spirals out of control as the once quiet town becomes lively with the supernatural. A deadly game of cat and mouse beings, to prevent the Apocalypse (preferably before bedtime)! BD is mainly comedy and drama with a decent amount of mystery, but it mixes and features pretty much any genre it can. Adult jokes, occasional nudity, profanity and violence! Updates daily! (Rated M for Mature)
Blessed Days Link:
Congratulations, InkyMoondrop! Thank you, thank you for all the time and dedication you put into your comics with all the original storytelling and character backstories.
What's Quacking?
Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei.
M.Organ Art Reached Its 800th Page; InkyMoondrop Releases Premier Chapter of Imago, Nebraska, AND 1200th Page Milestone for Blessed Days!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 2, 2024
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Roberto Fabris at 9:23AM, Sept. 5, 2024
MOrgan at 11:28AM, Sept. 4, 2024
Thanks! :-D
Locoma at 10:09AM, Sept. 4, 2024
Congrats!!! So nice to see you in the front page!
Sir_Mollington at 2:16PM, Sept. 3, 2024
Woah Congrats!! 800 pages?? That's absolutely amazing!
xailenrath at 4:14PM, Sept. 2, 2024
Congratulations to all the comics, but especially YAY M. ORGAN!!
MOrgan at 11:14AM, Sept. 2, 2024
Thank you! :-D
Marchy_D at 10:43AM, Sept. 2, 2024
That is a lot of pages! Amazing
plymayer at 7:21AM, Sept. 2, 2024
HawkandFloAdventures at 4:25AM, Sept. 2, 2024
These are all amazing milestones well done
InkyMoondrop at 12:11AM, Sept. 2, 2024
Thank you!