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Another Milestone for Imago Nebraska: Chapter 5

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2025

Photo: “-Spring- Ch. 5: Page 66”. Imago Nebraska created by InkyMoondrop. (January 2025)

Inkymoondrop writes:

Hi! Another Milestone for Imago, Nebraska: Chapter 5 ends on the 3rd of February, with the End Cover going up on the 4th, after which Chapter 6 starts. I call this chapter “zex” because it has a lot more nudity and else in it than the others, but essentially it's very similar to them: two side characters get properly introduced and things are getting heated between this and that. Some of the major conflicts for this Book start here and I should let you know that as far as the plot goes for Chapters 6, 7 and 8, that all takes place within about 48 hours or so. I know I've made a few regular readers I'd like to thank here as well, there's no way for me to tell, but hopefully you're still among them.

I'm slowly recovering from the flu, it could take some time to get back on my feet properly, new releases for other projects will have to wait. But once I feel better again, I'll start reading other comics as well and if you follow Imago, Nebraska, you know other comics are often referenced in it. I've still yet to find a comic to reference in Chapter 10. If I haven't referenced your work before and you think you'd like to see it as a poster / cover image / mention in this comic (with credits and link of course), throw me a PQ about it, I'll give it a read sometime and get back to you. If not for Ch. 10, maybe I'll still use it for another one in Book 2. But make sure you know what you're getting into and give Imago, Nebraska a read first. Thank you!

Imago Nebraska Comic Link

Congratulations on reaching the end of Chapter 5 of Imago, Nebraska, InkyMoondrop!

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InkyMoondrop at 1:58PM, Feb. 4, 2025

Thank you! Glad you're among the readers, there's a lot more in store for sure.

J_Scarbrough at 12:13PM, Feb. 3, 2025

Has it been 5 chapters already? I hadn't even really realized; it feels like I just started reading the comic the other day, but I guess I really have been following it for quite some time. Way to go reaching another milestone Inky! Can't wait to see what's in store from here!

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