Photo: “HawkandFloAdventures Twistverse Has Official Discord”. HawkandFloAdventures creator of Hawk and Flo Adventures.
HawkandFloAdventures writes:
I've just made an official discord server for my comics!
Twistverse Discord:
Twistverse Discord Invite:
I'm still new to it all and figuring things out. It was made just now. Thirley Peak will be returning soon and will update once a fortnight on Tuesdays Phantom Force 3000 will be going to once a fortnight as well once I get myself back up and running.
I hope things are good on your end? I had a lot happen this year and got a bit displaced by everything ^^;”
Photo: “Penguin 41”. The Kamics by KAM. (December 2024)
KAM writes:
The KAMics will hit 2200 pages this Friday, January 17.
Have a nice day,
Jazzy, creator of Carl and The Lost Shadow, The Kosmix, and Infinity Burger on Drunk Duck Publishing Goals
Photo: Jazzy on ko-fi.
Jazzy writes:
"i'm trying to publish a graphic novel I made, and although I am on pause so to speak with a couple publishers, I am still trying to produce a copy of my book in physical form if all else fails.
This is a hybrid publisher that requires an initial investment up front, but will handle distribution, marketing etc…and I will still retain the rights should anything change.
Photo: Carl and The Lost Shadow by Jazzy.
I hate asking for money/handouts, but any help would be appreciated.
You can donate here:
My comic is here and was featured on the mighty Duck.”
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Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei. Email me at kawaiidaigakusei(at)gmail(dot)com.

The Hawk and Flo Adventures Twistverse Has an Official Discord; The KAMics Hits 2200 Milestone; Buy Jazzy a Ko-Fi to Publish Carl and The Lost Shadow!!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 13, 2025
Carl and The Lost Shadow,
The KAMics,

©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
KAM at 12:22PM, Jan. 13, 2025
Thanks! :-D
jazzy at 3:39AM, Jan. 13, 2025
Thank you.
kawaiidaigakusei at 1:23AM, Jan. 13, 2025
You are welcome, you are welcome!
HawkandFloAdventures at 1:06AM, Jan. 13, 2025
Thank you for this! :)
Ozoneocean at 12:35AM, Jan. 13, 2025
Thanks Kawaii!