Hello ducks of various sobriety!
It's that time again, Mafia signups time. This fun forum game involves people trying to kill each other in the night, paranoia, and lynching innocents because of trust and truth issues!
This round is going to be a fairly meat-and-potatoes original style, with Mafia ...
Mafia Signups! Want to join Mafia XIV?
skoolmunkee at 3:46AM, Aug. 26, 2009A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get involved!
skoolmunkee at 7:59AM, Jan. 17, 2009A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get going!
Well perhaps not a ‘wealth’ (which is a non-standardized unit of measure) but at least a handful!
Small Press Idol 2009 is underway! For the uninitiated, SPI is a contest where you can submit your comic through various stages, the ...
Secret Santa, milestones, XcapeCON, and more! (Actually... no, that's it this time)
skoolmunkee at 11:10AM, Nov. 19, 2008
Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups - Hurry up because signups close on December 1st! This year is gonna be big!
XcapeCON is happening this coming weekend in Flint, Michigan! It will have all the good ol' con stuff, events, lots of guests, publishers, and dealers. Sounds like a big event! If ...
skoolmunkee's rules for success
skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Nov. 16, 2008skoolmunkee's rules for success
1. Get out of the house
Morning Squirtz by slimredninja &co. is getting an “artist spotlight” from Hustler Humor in their next issue, featuring 4 of their comics! Keep an eye out for that! (If you're old enough to buy it- or at least ...
I totally started this before Ozone posted his but it took a long time to put together because there
skoolmunkee at 3:21AM, Nov. 10, 2008
Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups!
Crossover High by Maverik & co. has been on Drunk Duck for a year! We're glad to have you. :)
JP's Bearly Abel has hit the 25 page mark! Congrats on the first milestone!
The following comics are 50 pages old!
Awesome by therealtj (and ...
Minor site glitch - users/comics access problems
SpANG at 3:40PM, July 31, 2008Hey everyone. There seems to have been a minor problem with DD, causing some users to have the wrong security settings.
We think we have it all straightened out, but there may be some Moderators out there without Moderator access, some users may have PQs restricted, frozen comics, etc.
http ...
This salad isn't very good
skoolmunkee at 3:24PM, June 9, 2008Monday's featured comic is Guts!
Military and psychic rescue teams arrive too late to save Lancelot unit, who are found gruesomely dead in a mansion infested with paranormal dangers. It doesn't take long for them to realize they're in way over their heads…. Compelling storyline and amazingly ...
Heidi-ho neighborinos!
skoolmunkee at 6:12AM, May 12, 2008We've got a new DD Creator Interview today! This time round, I ask helmelby of Chad the Fat Kid a bunch of questions about Chad (a character who is very unlikable, yet readers still sympathise with him)…
Can we get a laundry list of Chad's problems?
Over weight ...
Newspost Part the First
skoolmunkee at 3:07PM, Aug. 13, 2007Everyone's favorite community project with an incredibly long name is back! One Third Of Your Life Is Spent Sleeping One Third Of Your Life Is Spent Working And Half Of One Third Is Spent Waiting The Question Is It Really Your Life is now taking submissions again! Forum thread ...