Guess who has a book out? Why, eyesoftheblackk's Biginbopper the Junior Mint of course! You can order the book at Lulu!
LowResAtari's milestone gets to come first because I say so! Mixed Bags Comics is 600 and as a special update, LowResAtari did a Flash poetry reading. :3 ...
Too much news! Must... post... faster!
skoolmunkee at 2:53PM, Aug. 6, 2007Zac and MrRiot do Civil War. The End.
skoolmunkee at 4:23AM, July 2, 2007Sorry these newsposts are a bit belated, I wanted to leave the Black_Kitty announcement up for a few days. I hope that was okay. :) To read that announcement, go here. We are still collecting sympathy cards and any donations at this account for those who are so inclined. You can ...
skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, June 18, 2007Speaking of dogs, there's a new Creator Interview up! Skulldog from BRINK!
Who is Five, aside from a bit of a free spirit? She seems to be the source of much of the change and disruption in the comic.
Five was one of the original volunteer subjects into BRINK ...
Is it just me or is the new year full of news so far?
skoolmunkee at 9:19AM, Jan. 19, 2007Apologies for any broken links, I'll fix them when I get back tonight, got an appointment just now but I wanted to get these announcements out. :)
In no particular order!
roguey's Breeding Ground is one year old on the 29th!
Mark's Random Idiocity is 30 pages old ...
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