Wizard Disappears All Coffee - Mondays Abolished

skoolmunkee at 11:28PM, Sept. 20, 2009

If I had a pie for every strip of Bacon Strips (by Gillespie), I would have 200 pies on Wednesday!

And if I had a dollar for every page of HiNaTa_fan_13's Hall of Randomness I would have 200 dollars today!

If there were as many pie thieves as there ...

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Admin Lets News Pile Up- News At Eleven

skoolmunkee at 2:17AM, Sept. 7, 2009

moverfield's EXHAUST will be ending this week at page 96… but fear not, because Bullet Mythology will be posting every day until it ends in October!

Today, Sameth's Dragon City turns a big 500, and Sameth will be posting a special comic in celebration!

Also today, Geotology by ...

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Do you fancy eating the brains of others? If so...

skoolmunkee at 2:56AM, July 11, 2009

Drunk Duck Mafia signups are ON! This fun forum game is in its 11th round, and as you may have noticed, the games have been picking up some variety on themes and rules. This time around, it's all about MONSTERS - as GM Product Placement describes it, “We're talking ...

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I have precisely one metric butt ton of news today!

skoolmunkee at 5:19AM, April 30, 2009

Niccea's community project the Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has reached 125 pages!

Kemono Densetsu by Inoshishi has reached 25 pages!

Polkster's PolkOut has had its 50th update!

A milestone and some interviews from Abt_Nihil!

(1) my weekly comic signifikat recently surpassed 75 pages.

(2) alejkhan interviewed me ...

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Thursday's news! come git!

skoolmunkee at 12:37AM, March 12, 2009

Thursday's interview! GiantPinkWalrus interviews JoeL_CQB of CQB Epics!

More interviews in the Interview forum!

Peipei's DeadFingers has reached 150! Ra-ther!

Pokemon Yellow Comics by MysteriousJeff uploaded its 75th page on Tuesday! Well done!

Aghammer's Reverse Polarity has reached 25 pages! Brill!

MAG-ISA by kyupol just hit ...

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Tuesday interview, Peipei asks korosu (of Faust and Chimera) about a bunch of stuff!

skoolmunkee at 6:09AM, Feb. 17, 2009

Hello everybody! It's time for another interview! This time around, Peipei interviews korosu!

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Monday's news a day early! Interviews and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:38PM, Feb. 8, 2009

Two new interviews are up!
PieGuy259 interviews Peipei of “The Faction,” “Deadfingers,” and “Herald King” - from Quack with the Ducks!
Sei interviews Tamerlane of “Get Up and Go” - independent just-because!

And there are a bunch more to read in the interviews forum!

Monday sees HiNaTa_fan_13's Tamera Ultima Seven reach ...

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milestones and FIGHTSPLOSION

skoolmunkee at 9:53AM, Jan. 8, 2009

Bocaj tells me this is THE BEST NEWS EVER so I had better post it right away!

The epic FIGHTSPLOSION is beginning right about… now! (Intro pages are due any day now.)
The first rounds are starting, and bids are starting to be placed. It seems to me that ...

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skoolmunkee's rules for success

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Nov. 16, 2008

skoolmunkee's rules for success

1. Get out of the house

Morning Squirtz by slimredninja &co. is getting an “artist spotlight” from Hustler Humor in their next issue, featuring 4 of their comics! Keep an eye out for that! (If you're old enough to buy it- or at least ...

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The tri-weekly milestones news!

skoolmunkee at 12:47PM, Aug. 20, 2008

ubernite's A Study in Horror and Misery (if you couldn't guess, it's a horror comic) has reached 25 pages! 5 more pages to go until the end of the current story- better get on with reading it!

The House of the Muses series will hit its 100th ...

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