Also, I recieved a complaint that my handwriting was not legible. So I was going to wait until chapter 2 started (Page 21). However, I figure why keep readers away for another 10 pages?
oh snap! the new font makes the comic so much better, i know cuz i'm awsome like that. and Cor, ur awsome too you should come over some time we could play games and stuf.... btw... WoW undead dance... so cool
:D finally one you dont have to explain to me! nice job cory. i actually liked your handwritting...went in with the whole 'tone' coloring and what not.
FATARSE at 9:57PM, April 30, 2006
oh snap! the new font makes the comic so much better, i know cuz i'm awsome like that. and Cor, ur awsome too you should come over some time we could play games and stuf.... btw... WoW undead dance... so cool
Flatworm at 10:01AM, April 27, 2006
the new text is shit hot! Much better!
AdHocFerox at 9:10PM, April 26, 2006
i like the font
Ariana at 8:48PM, April 26, 2006
:D finally one you dont have to explain to me! nice job cory. i actually liked your handwritting...went in with the whole 'tone' coloring and what not.
x3022 at 8:39PM, April 26, 2006
but she could be a lady of pleasure, right? right? i mean, if she tried! did the name shiina come from shiina ringo? the jpop/jpunk singer? really?
CORY at 7:21PM, April 26, 2006
College is a slut-loving mother. But don't worry, TTS. We can always have last night.
trythesoup at 7:15PM, April 26, 2006
i really wish i had more time not for making comics, but for reading comics. only the awesome ones like this
CORY at 6:19PM, April 26, 2006
Sorry Rich. This comic is tone 4-evah.
Rich at 6:16PM, April 26, 2006
Your handwriting is legible alright, but ease up on the manga tone please! It is very bad looking and hurts my eyes!
shiina and steve at 6:00PM, April 26, 2006
Ernie at 5:58PM, April 26, 2006
Easier to read, But Ireally don't mind either way =]