Episode 231 - The importance of world building

Aug 9, 2015

You always do a bit of world building in fiction, in some types of stories like alternative histories, fantasy and Sci-Fi you have to do a bit more, in things set in the real world you don't have to do nearly as much - maybe only limited to a few rooms, character occupations and relationships etc, rather than planets and political systems, but the point is you're always doing it. There are good ways to do world building and bad ways i.e. work out as many details as you need to but have that all behind the scenes, not introduced as a wall of text or long explanations on how things work. World building should inform you story and make it work seamlessly, not prop it up like a rickety scaffold. The topic of the importance of World Building was previously touched on a few years ago by Skoolmunkee and Kroatz for Quackcast 39, but things happened at that recording was lost to history, so now we approach it again with all new contributions, strident opinions, and points of view on the subject. Gunwallace did a cool theme for Red Velvet Requiem!



Ozoneocean at 8:50PM, Aug. 12, 2015

:D Just attempting to do regional accents for every post would be hilarious.

Ironscarf at 4:02PM, Aug. 12, 2015

A most edifying aural experience! All this needs is the addition of a shipping forecast to make it sound exactly like BBC Radio 4.

Gunwallace at 2:14PM, Aug. 12, 2015

Glad you liked the theme. The accents in this Quackcast were very English and proper (or improper). Does that mean we'll have more geographically-located accents in future 'casts?

Ozoneocean at 1:30AM, Aug. 12, 2015

He did a great job :)

NekkoXIII at 10:57AM, Aug. 11, 2015

holy cow that sounds amazing. I love that theme.

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