Episode 39 - It's My World, I Can Break The Rules
Aug 16, 2011
Kroatz joins skoolmunkee today to talk about the huge topic of world-building. All kinds of things should be taken into consideration, so this episode should be a lot of food for thought!
Topics and Show Notes
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Cintara - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Cintara/
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Building A World
- Rules/Boundaries
- Logic/Realism
- Challenges/Balance
- Puzzles/Accomplishment
- Legends/Depth
- People
- Perspective
- Life
- Time
- Size
And two really useful contributions from DDers:
- RPGGrenade
- Scorpion451
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
mishi_hime at 9:42PM, Sept. 3, 2011
I don't think separate audio links is the way to go. Bookmarks or annotations of some sort would be helpful though. In the bar that shows the whole cast there could be bullets highlighting the start of each new segment. This would require a different audio player for the casts though.
skoolmunkee at 9:34AM, Aug. 17, 2011
Thanks smkinoshita, it's great to get that level of feedback. :] Those audio clips were recorded separately and edited in actually, but I imagine when we have a guest listeners probably want to get to the guest part? I'm not sure how well linking separately would work, since for podcast purposes it has to be one file. Video, agh! Video is so much work, I'm not sure I'm up for that. It can be quite difficult to sort through pages to find good examples of things (and again, that would be changing the 'podcast' format quite a bit). I'm all for shortening them though, haha! Just in general or for the guest episodes you mean? Should we move features to the end of guest episodes?
mishi_hime at 1:35AM, Aug. 17, 2011
Skool brought up my pet peeve. Large amounts of text explaining the history of your world. Spare us the history lesson!
Kroatz at 10:25AM, Aug. 16, 2011
Hey, smkinoshita thanks for your input! I personally don't agree with the excuse that you don't need to think about the world because the "Rule of funny" makes everything logical. If a story is fun and interesting enough without a well built world then a world that is well thought out would only serve to improve the story. Of course, as always, the writers decide everything, I just gave some things they might want to concider.
smkinoshita at 10:04AM, Aug. 16, 2011
For Skoolmunkee: Some criticisms, if I may -- I think the review section would be best done as a video instead to allow more show and less tell. If that's not quite possible I would recommend cutting it to about five minutes to get to the guest a little sooner. It's not like breaking down media into pieces available on demand is terribly difficult; both reviews could have been included as separate audio links and just alluded to. For Kroatz: I think for world construction one needs to keep in mind how structured the actual story is going to be. The more a story goes for humour, the less structured the world needs to be because many things will be done for "Rule of Funny". I think it sounds like your world construction is more geared towards video games than storytelling. It's just the way the interview went -- many references, and talking about challenges and balance as it applied to the WORLD, when it's really more the PLOT. Separate beasts.