Episode 653 - Star Treken

Sep 18, 2023

Today we're talking about STAR TREK! Star Trek is a pretty influential piece of pop-culture. Most interesting to me is that it's a future that is NOT a dystopia. It's a large scale vision of a future world where everything is NOT terrible and collapsing in on itself. You can count those on one hand. It's worth talking about just because of that. Instead of taking the boring, tried and true dystopia route the creators of this world decided to explore a premise of “what happens when a world actually works?”.

Topics and Show Notes

Star Trek has had many versions, from the original series in the 1960s, to the animated 70s version, the movies, the 3 big series in the 1990s, the revival prequel series, and my personal fave: the animated “Lower Deck”s. Out of all Star Trek I've seen I have to say that The Next Generation, Voyager, and Lower Decks are my faves, along with the The Wrath of Khan. But Lower Decks really stands out as a classic because it pays homage to all of classic Star Trek as well as seamlessly updating the culture to today's political environment and being amazingly funny at the same time.

It is extremely rare for an IP to accomplish this. In almost every single case the creators will butcher the IP by changing everything, crapping all over the original incarnation and being super clunky and embarrassingly amateur with incorporating modern cultural ideals to do with things like gender equality, racial diversity, and sexuality. Lower Decks is as smooth as silk in that regard.

Which version of Star Trek is your fave?

This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by The Spook Control - Starts off creepy then bursts into high speed, action oriented racing sounds, setting your pulse aflame and dangerously fast! Full on electronica.

Topics and shownotes


Featured comic:
FIRST BOYFRIEND Infamous Delinquent Kazuki - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2023/sep/11/featured-comic-first-boyfriend-infamous-delinquent-kazuki/

Featured music:
The Spook Control - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Spook_Control/ - by MSK314, rated E.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

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Gunwallace at 3:21PM, Sept. 22, 2023

@MSK314: Thanks. Glad you liked it. If you want an mp3 copy just PQ me with an email address.

bravo1102 at 4:08AM, Sept. 22, 2023

Denise Crosby is the granddaughter of Bing Crosby. Just the same Ethan Peck of Star Trek Strange New Worlds is the grandson of the great actor Gregory Peck. The make up people from ST:TNG to Enterprise were from the Westmore clan of make up artists to go back to the 1930s. Ozoneocean is right about the ending about TNG as it was felt the market was saturated with ST and Generations was made instead of season eight. "All Good Things..." was written in a hurry. Lower Decks season three was available on Amazon Prime amd YouTube as a promo for Season Four. St: Strange New Worlds season one was on Prime and YouTube as a promo for Season two. ST:SNW actually has a crossover with Lower Decks because the designers purposely modeled some of the characters after the voice actors just in case. ;) ST:LD happens immediately following Voyager, which happens at the same time as DS9 which happens at the same time and directly after TNG. There is a direct continuity instead just being one timeline.

MSK314 at 3:30AM, Sept. 21, 2023

Thank you so much Gunwallace I love the music!

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