Episode 96 - Welcome to the Fact-cast!
Sep 24, 2012
Fact one, BANES invented Freals! In this Quackcast that we recorded weeks and weeks ago, Banes and I read out many of the funny and interesting facts from the Cool Facts thread in the Random Discussion part of our forum. Then we added lots of funny asides. We thought it was hilarious and we hope you do to. The Cool Facts thread was started by Subcultured, one of our original and best mods ever on DD, and has been contributed to by many DDers over the years.
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Banes at 7:21AM, Sept. 26, 2012
ozone reading his old posts in that pompous character voice was really funny. loved it!
kawaiidaigakusei at 10:16PM, Sept. 25, 2012
This Quackcast was hilarious, especially how Ozone circa 2008 and present day were making the same commentary to the same responses on the forum. Also the voice impressions make this one totally worthwhile.
Ozoneocean at 8:19PM, Sept. 25, 2012
Bears in California are also stars!
the_beav at 12:26PM, Sept. 25, 2012
California state flag is a bear and a star because bears originate from outer space. The more you know :O
Ozoneocean at 6:31AM, Sept. 25, 2012
I thought this was crap when we did it and there were some strained moments towards the end, but listening to it again I laughed my arse off! Lot funnier than I remember. :)