how to draw manga: how to draw close ups on faces
oz100 at 8:40AM, Dec. 28, 2007
this tutorial is for learning how to draw the up close faces of manga
in this tutorial you will be learning how to draw manga people,
let's begin:
first we will learn how to draw a full face shot.
1:start by drawing an egg shape
2:then put a cross inside of it
3:now add a V shape to the bottem of the egg
4: now make two curved lines that connect the bottem of the V to where the two tops of it are
5:now erase the V shape, and take the line in the center and connect it to the bottem of the chin
6:now add two lines as shown in the picture, these will be your eye lines, that means you will place the eyes in this area
7: now add three circles, two in the eye lines and on a little bit under them in the center line
8: next add detail to the eyes
9: now add the nose in side of the nose circle, and then add the mouth under it, oh and remember erase the un-needed lines while you'r drawing
10: now erase all un-needed lines and add eyebrows and ears
11: now add the hair, and erase any of the not needed head
12: now it's finished!! hooray!!! now if you would like to add color thats always a fun thing to do.