Public Profile

716 Kidz

member since June 06, 2007


716-Kidz is a web comic about two best friends, Wolf and Raven, who often play the roles of popular Video Game characters that are parodied in the strip. Often times in the strip Wolf (the blue spiky haired kid) would play tricks on Raven (the short kid with cornrows) talking him into doing something that would cause him pain or get him into trouble. Raven usually puts himself and others in danger because of his lack of intelligence. Though usually dragged down emotionally or bashed physically he always looks at the bright side despite what is going on.
The Comic is Written Drawn by Tre Lockhart

Comics By 716 Kidz

  • Fantasy |
  • 19 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
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716 Kidz's friends

  • Rockster1039
  • poonipoonz
  • Volte6
  • Chaz McRich
  • Zheror

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