Public Profile


member since February 02, 2008


Born to a virgin transvestite mother named Steve who was impregnated by the Egyptian sun god Ra.

The previous mentioned transvestite mother was unhappy with my birth, and tossed me off a mountain far out in the deserts of Africa.

I survived.

I was then raised by lions until the age of fourteen.

I then left the harsh deserts of Africa and joined rebel alliance.

Many years later, I was exiled to space after destroying Atlantis.

I died a lonely death on the moon.

Years later I rose from my shallow grave under the ocean floor on the moon to take revenge upon the world.

That idea was soon scrapped. Now I draw crappy webcomics.

Some parts of this may or may not be true.

Comics By BoxHeadComix

No comics.

Comics Assisted By BoxHeadComix

No comics.

Comics Recomended By BoxHeadComix

Comic about two dudes. It's dead now though, and it's very unlikely to ever make another appearance.

This is a comic that I am putting up for a good friend because he has no internet access. It will be random and fun and like uh........ OH! IT HAS CLOWNS WITH ACCORDIONS SERVING BURGERS! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!?!?

Surreal humour.

He IS da' Teach! YO!

A webstrip about the adventures of an explosive loving raccoon

Politics, satire, and whatever else comes to mind. The alien slug brothers take on everything from pop culture to politicians.

My magnum opus comic strip, now being offered in small, easy to digest morsels. Not for the faint of spirit. More meaningful, but far less commercially viable than Rizzo.

Rule of Three focuses on four friends, Katerli, Hazel, Ivy, and Stone, as they get into all sorts of trouble.

this is a test, but it could be more! (perhaps)

Stick Figures do things. Brevity.

It's way rad and cool and hip. Just like the macintosh, but less gay. A lot less gay.


BoxHeadComix's friends

  • Kilre
  • Volte6
  • GiantPinkWalrus
  • tplusr
  • lidless_i
  • Chaz McRich
  • Drasnus

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By BoxHeadComix

No videos.




Chaz McRich at 8:18PM, April 29, 2008

Thanks for the add chum!

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