Public Profile
Chapel Perilous
member since March 03, 2008
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Comics By Chapel Perilous
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Comics Assisted By Chapel Perilous
- Fantasy |
- 25 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
this is a 24 hour comic done by myself and doug ramond years ago. enjoy it and all it bad art cheezy goodness. bad art, sharpie fumes, monkeys, and Weezer. Come on. You know you wanna read it.
- Fantasy |
- 136 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Welcome to Border City, the city built on dreams. 20 years ago, a city was established and walled off from the outside world by the remnants of the Zodiac, a superhero league that disbanded around the same time under dubious circumstances. Today, Border
Comics Recomended By Chapel Perilous
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Videos Shared By Chapel Perilous
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