Public Profile
Coles Closet
member since February 02, 2008
Hi! Im Cole. I love to create comics. Ive got a few in the works now. My main focus is one about me and my little girl called, Life with Cole. I hope to finish my sketched out graphic novel with enough support sometime before I hit 30….or 30 something.
Comics By Coles Closet
- Fantasy |
- 1 page |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Jami and Paul is inspired by some close friends of mine. They are total beach babes.
- Fantasy |
- 2 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Life With Cole is a comic I started in October 2006 about raising a little girl. It's a humorous portrayal of the crazy things I've seen and heard her do. It actually started as a graphic novel idea and ended up in a running series of short episodes.
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