Public Profile

Coyote Sharptongue
member since January 01, 2008
While I have no talent for art, Ive been able to eek out a meager existance as a writer. I have my own daily humor column, and am luckily enough to have paired up with Bongo in order to create Avaste Ye. His art, my words, and I think well go damn far. If not, at least chicks dig guys with comics. Right? Chicks…dig that….right? Someone tell me thats right…please…
Comics By Coyote Sharptongue
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Comics Assisted By Coyote Sharptongue
- Fantasy |
- 60 pages |
- last: July 7 2011 |
- 1 like
Two computer techs give up their careers as they trade their keyboards for cutlasses! Old fashioned pirates facing a modern day world full of ninjas, ghosts, and the occasional hobo-cannon.
Comics Recomended By Coyote Sharptongue
No recommended comics.
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Videos Shared By Coyote Sharptongue
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