Public Profile


member since February 02, 2009


There really isnt much to say about myself honestly. I dont create art for a living like some of the artists here.

Im a soldier in the US ARMY and Im currently stuck in Afghanistan and will be until sometime in December of this year.

I wont even try to apologize for my absence here over the last couple months, as stated above Im in Afghanistan aka Hell.

I lost all intent and initiative for Max Mutt therefore, as its painfully obvious, that comic is no more. I got completely off track with what I intended to do. However, check back as I have another comic planned and it will be too damn easy to stay on track with this one, youll see why.

Comics By Crimson_Wolf

  • Fantasy |
  • 22 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
This comic is dead, this is the final page of mass disappointment.
  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Stupid people beware, you will NOT like this comic, PERIOD. I don't care who it offends, in fact, I'm counting on it offending people. So go ahead and cry to mommy because a comic just called you stupid, boo hoo.

Comics Assisted By Crimson_Wolf

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Crimson_Wolf

An inquisitive worm makes friends with the bird who was going to eat him. Sarcasm ensues. A Platinum Studios comic!

Even 7 years after his father's death, Randy Miller has had a pretty tough life. Now, teaming up with his old friend Randy sets out to change the world forever with his new invention- a self aware robot. The only problem is his robot is... "different".

Crimson_Wolf's friends

  • Volte6
  • Metal_Breakdown
  • Chameleon

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Crimson_Wolf

No videos.




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