member since January 01, 2008
Comics By GiantPinkWalrus
- Fantasy |
- 78 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 47 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 35 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Assisted By GiantPinkWalrus
No comics.
Comics Recomended By GiantPinkWalrus
Just a little comic to visualise some of the more obscure ideas that go through my mind. Hopefully they're somewhat humourous too.
Randomness strikes ordinary stick figures as boredom consumes them. Now they take life to the next level!
To learning the proper English is fun easy time with Gregor!
Surreal humour.
A collection of editorial cartoons I have been doing for my local newspaper the [url=]Highlands Today[/url], based mostly on local news stories.
the cesspool of all things blue
This is a comic i did based from a painting of mine along time ago about what may lurk underneath a subway that one never thought would happen.
It's a comic that tries to comedy your face in.
Some random comics I will make through the days. No real purpose besides to amuse myself and possibly others.
Vicious Utter Shit!!! Where everyone's an asshole, ALL THE TIME!!! here we take other people's comics and harass, maim, and pick em apart any way we can BECAUSE we can!!! no spite, just fun! drop PIT_FACE a pq if you're interested.
The daily life of the weapons against squirrel org. featuring, random, stupidity, humor, war, Attention Deficit Disorder, idiotic, and more. updated at least once a month, or a year if I'm lazy. drawn completely by pencils, and three pencil crayons...
GiantPinkWalrus's friends
forum topics started
No topics.
Videos Shared By GiantPinkWalrus
No videos.
shino at 12:10PM, April 6, 2009
thanks for the add ^w^
bellagail at 3:42PM, May 18, 2008
i would say something nice, but i would spell it wrung XD
soulcelshade at 11:29AM, April 27, 2008
Drasnus at 2:14PM, March 11, 2008
It's 'Make like a tree and LEAVE'. Oh, and it's Mabel.
Chaz McRich at 12:35PM, March 7, 2008
Thanks for the add chum!