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member since July 07, 2007


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Comics By Jared12890

  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Basically This Is Showing Why Not To Do Certain Things

Comics Assisted By Jared12890

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Comics Recomended By Jared12890

just a comic about life with bad art, its getting better though random update from 2015: man, i remember making this comic as a teenager and how much it meant to me back then. its really not good, both artistically or story-wise yet i still look at it fondly. i stopped doing this comic (and the other couple of thing i got on here) because drinking and depression and drugs became more important and i shut all my creativity in a little box and focused purely on trying to self destruct. i like to think i've learned many things in the years since i did this shitty little comic, the most important being that focusing only on your anger and hatred will lead you nowhere but in a vicious fucking circle. those emotions are important, but so are all of them, happiness, sorrow, grief, love, hate, everything has to be open. everything must be acknowledged or i'll never be complete. i'm working on a new comic, and i know i'm just writing this purely to me, but i hope to see it up soon.

two guys living thier life

Jared12890's friends

  • owie
  • Volte6
  • matt_fatt

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