Public Profile
Lord Kraven
member since August 08, 2009
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Comics By Lord Kraven
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Comics Assisted By Lord Kraven
- Fantasy |
- 173 pages |
- last: July 7 2011 |
- 1 like
Oh god you're glazing over my comic! Oh gosh I look terrible come on inside but I have to have a shower. I was just boiling some water so help yourself to some coffee. Oprah's on so if you want something to watch
- Fantasy |
- 12 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A pretty awesome parody comic of Silent Hill 2, one of the most serious stories ever told! *SPOILER WARNING*
Comics Recomended By Lord Kraven
No recommended comics.
forum topics started
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Videos Shared By Lord Kraven
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