Public Profile


member since October 10, 2007


Hi! Im doing this comic for fun and to maybe get better at art. I hope it doesnt make your eyes hurt. Its also pretty silly at times. I might take up painting one day, too.

Thanks to anyone who reads it. I hope you like it!

Comics By Myari

  • Fantasy |
  • 52 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Faelings is a webcomic about small faerie-like creatures who live in a magical forest. They fly around, do what they want, and occasionally interact with humans.
  • Fantasy |
  • 11 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
True stories of the Faelings. Related by setting and characters to the webcomic, Faelings, but runs independently as complete stories. Rated Mature mainly for occasional nudity and some violence and bad behavior.

Comics Assisted By Myari

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Myari

A young girl's latent psychic power is awakened after witnessing a death in her family.

NewGirl is about a young superhero female trying to be top in her league but it shouldn't be too difficult when the league is Useless! She manages to get by with her friend Edwyn and save the day for some reason.

Banditry, magic and extended family life in the tenth century. Actually called Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan but Drunk Duck's system forces me to misspell it.

Myari's friends

  • Shades
  • Volte6
  • newgirlcomic
  • Reinderdijkhuis

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Myari

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