Public Profile


member since May 05, 2008


Hi! Inky started as a computer doodle a few years ago and he just wont sit still.

My second attempt at a comic strip started as a pencil doodle in my chemistry notebook (Im catching up as a mature student; want to progress in science). Superbugs face stared at me from the H2O model.

So what does this tell you about me as a potential comic strip artist? Not a lot. I like doodles and bug-eyed creatures. Hope you like them too.


Comics By Nukapai

  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
What would happen if your doodles developed a mind of their own?
  • Fantasy |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A world (not too unlike ours) in which an alien superbug wonders about the meaning of life and has arguments with things. Expect tongue-poking, soul-searching and pop culture references. Oh, and swearing. Sorry about that.

Comics Assisted By Nukapai

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Nukapai

An inquisitive worm makes friends with the bird who was going to eat him. Sarcasm ensues. A Platinum Studios comic!

A simple "chibi" style strip, inspired by life and a very bored wandering mind, about the mundane, the moronic, the silly, the surreal, the cute, the quirky, the geeky and anything that materializes in my head.

The Continuing Saga of George the Dragon! This is the tale of a Dragon named George. George is old. So old that he has lived in every age of the world from Medieval to Modern. His tales are rather silly in nature. Join in on his (Mis)adventures!

A lonely skeleton on a journey to find his lost soul.

Pinkerton chronicles the lives of the inhabitants of Pinkerton National Park. Pinkerton is syndicated by GoComics at [url][/url]. For more information about Pinkerton please visit [url][/url]

AdventureKid is on an Adventure to save the Skeleton King's daughter from castle Weinerstone.


Nukapai's friends

  • Volte6
  • Ilmarinen
  • Rockster1039
  • bongotezz
  • Gravedust
  • Loud_G

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Nukapai

No videos.




bongotezz at 12:57PM, May 17, 2008

thanks for the friend add. i love Inky. keep up the good work.

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