Public Profile


member since December 12, 2007


Im Sarah and I play Tuba.
Thats all…
And I like food. And pudding.
Oh wait.. that IS food. Hmm.. Ive been decieved.

Oh! And I like Light! Except I wouldnt want to eat him. But hes pretty awesome.

And Im in a comic. YAY!
Its in my recommendation list.

Comics By Sarah_Person

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Comics Assisted By Sarah_Person

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Comics Recomended By Sarah_Person

A parody of my life and the people in it. Different style for each chapter. But basically a spoof on a bandgeek's life, her friends, and even her readers. Updates Daily.

Sarah_Person's friends

  • Volte6
  • ohnn
  • supermollie
  • Castle Pokemetroid
  • GravyOMG
  • Lucarioman_EXE

forum topics started

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