Public Profile


member since July 07, 2008


Eh, hi! Im 17-years-old student from Finland, hoping for some day to become artisan. On my freetime I play guitar and draw, play penpaper RPGs and ride bicycle. Im also a spriter (of some sort), and I really like Metroid and Rockman series.

Nice to meet ya all!

Comics By Scarlet_Okami

  • Fantasy |
  • 14 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
What happens when X stumbles into a portal which throws him into Mushroom Kingdom? What's gonna happen on his adventure and is he gonna get back to where he belongs safely? (HA! Like he would..) Find out in... COFFEECUP CATASTROPHE!
  • Fantasy |
  • 25 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Pen and paper, one guitarist on coffee, what more do you expect?

Comics Assisted By Scarlet_Okami

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Scarlet_Okami

Watch out for Megaman and Ken as they try to stop the evil Dr. Wily... Or so it seems.

In the aftermath of Second Cataclysm, the world refuses to relinquish its vengeance against one another. The forsaken soldiers of the First Cataclysm emerge to enact judgments they see fit for the cruel society.

The story of two fellows who are destined to blow up the ocean or die trying.

X, Axl and Zer0 are three S-Rank Maverick hunters. But what do they do when they aren't fighting Mavericks? Whether it's drinking coffe, or Zer0's latest plot to kill Axl, it's never dull around base!

Scarlet_Okami's friends

  • Vindu
  • soulcelshade
  • Mega Greg
  • Souljah001
  • Volte6
  • opdisk225

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Videos Shared By Scarlet_Okami

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