Public Profile
member since October 10, 2009
Bitter and old. The end.
Comics By Tokoyoto
- Fantasy |
- 42 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
A semi-serious take on the Mario universe, surprisingly absent of any actual Mario characters. Yeah, I've lost my mind.
- Fantasy |
- 11 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A young man that grew up too fast looks into an outlet for venting his anger. A rather bitter take on the webcomic scene ensues. It's intended to be humorous, and yet I don't expect anyone to find it funny. Crazy how these things work, isn't it?
Comics Assisted By Tokoyoto
No comics.
Comics Recomended By Tokoyoto
No sanity applies.
Professor Mariachi delivers his unique and amusing point of view in short lectures on life, the universe, and everything. Along with the lovely Yuki, he discusses such important things as mermaids in space (original thought), and academic doping.
forum topics started
No topics.
Videos Shared By Tokoyoto
No videos.
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