Public Profile


member since July 07, 2009


I've lived a life where knowing how things worked is an essential survival skill. Comics and stories I make reflect this because I have hammered out how stuff works inside the fictional worlds I have crafted. If I must generate 200 years worth of fictional history on a monthly basis, then I will obsess over a spread sheet until it is done. I just hope I don't end up making something boring in the process.

Comics By UncleRice

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Comics Assisted By UncleRice

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Comics Recomended By UncleRice

Random cartoons & series from the mind of Keith Alan Morgan. Updates when real life gives me time enough to finish a comic.

UncleRice's friends

  • tegerio
  • KAM
  • croxtonhas
  • webcomics heh
  • Volte6

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