Public Profile

Victoria Sabas

member since June 06, 2014


I am mainly a comics artist/writer and a musician. My main comic project is Molasses, but I have some others I'm also working on. I might post them here, but for now I'll stick with Molasses. I have been drawing Molasses since May of 2011, and at one point I tried to start redrawing everything digitally and then uploading it as a webcomic. Then that went on hiatus, and then I just kept drawing in the notebooks. Recently I decided to just go ahead and upload the plain notebook pages.
I make music under the name of Lace Veil and the other name of The Astounding Louise. I am a street performer, and I sell music on the internet. So far it is mixed badly because I did it all myself.

Comics By Victoria Sabas

  • Real Life |
  • 297 pages |
  • last: Sept. 14 2015 |
Heavy doses of angst and comedy presented in the form of quickly drawn comics in my composition notebooks. A pondering of absurdity and social interaction and the absurdity of social interaction. Updates whenever I want, but so far it averages on very often, sometimes multiple times a day. I mean, right now I have ten volumes of this shit that I've already drawn. It's just a matter of scanning the notebooks.

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