Public Profile
member since April 04, 2007
Why hello there!
I believe you have stumbled on my user lookup, how lovely!
Well, I suppose you want to know a bit about me? Oh,ok then!
My name is not really important but Im known as either WilL or Bambi and I is English. (-gives thumbs up-)
As you can see, I currently have one Comic going which is really just my RPG charries… haaaa!
I love music; its lovely. There are many a band I like, consisting of some of the following:
Emilie Autumn, My Chemical Romance, HIM, Bullets and Octane, AFI, The Rasmus, Ruoska, X-Prophets, Beyond All Reason and Incubus. (This is just a rough sketching!)
I also like drawing and art; art and drawing are FUUUUUN!
I play the guitar (I 3 my Guitar teach; but only because of his wonderful insanity!) adn the piano which are lovely instruments.
I also love Vampires; Dracula is a complete dude! (As is Bram Stoker -nods-)
Now - any questions? Suggestions? Accusations? No? Right, then thats all I have to say - look at the pics, leave some comments and have fun!
Love N Crumpets!
WilL xxx
I believe you have stumbled on my user lookup, how lovely!
Well, I suppose you want to know a bit about me? Oh,ok then!
My name is not really important but Im known as either WilL or Bambi and I is English. (-gives thumbs up-)
As you can see, I currently have one Comic going which is really just my RPG charries… haaaa!
I love music; its lovely. There are many a band I like, consisting of some of the following:
Emilie Autumn, My Chemical Romance, HIM, Bullets and Octane, AFI, The Rasmus, Ruoska, X-Prophets, Beyond All Reason and Incubus. (This is just a rough sketching!)
I also like drawing and art; art and drawing are FUUUUUN!
I play the guitar (I 3 my Guitar teach; but only because of his wonderful insanity!) adn the piano which are lovely instruments.
I also love Vampires; Dracula is a complete dude! (As is Bram Stoker -nods-)
Now - any questions? Suggestions? Accusations? No? Right, then thats all I have to say - look at the pics, leave some comments and have fun!
Love N Crumpets!
WilL xxx
Comics By XArexYouxSufferingX
- Fantasy |
- 3 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Note, I said POSSIBLE!
Anyways, the folowing pictures are just some ones I've drawn at school, during lessons... Yay!
Errr... maybe doing a comic strip with them in; dunno though... Haaaaa!
Leave nice comments; I'm new to this!
- Fantasy |
- 4 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Ack; Okies, this is basically about stuff that happens to me and my friend Tali. Ok, the stupidly insane stuff! Conversation etc. It's kinda funny... ish...
Comics Assisted By XArexYouxSufferingX
No comics.
Comics Recomended By XArexYouxSufferingX
iPods will destroy the Earth and eat our babies.
A semi-autobiographical comic about the weird shit that happens to Tasha and Hannah, the creators.
ok this is what would happen to both me and will...enjoy...our tourment lol
three friends; two jerks one lil squirt watch the hilariousosity that ensues as peachs, beans wildfire, and igor thunderstorm get wasted and make asses of themselves
forum topics started
No topics.
Videos Shared By XArexYouxSufferingX
No videos.
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xanos at 3:49PM, May 15, 2007
one of tali close freinds... I don't know her too well quite yet but I hope to soon. she seems really cool with an art style that improves every time I look!