Public Profile


member since January 01, 2006


Helloes, My name is Linda but im more known as Zolah through out the internet. I am a wannabe cartoonist wich means I like drawing etc but im not especially good. I am making a comic named GEAN or Green Eyes And Necromany - its based on a roleplay i was playing ages ago. I am hpoing to show other people the fun and the less fun with it.

my bigger intrests ( besides DD comics :3 ) is roleplaying, drawing, gaming ( almost everything i can get my hands on ) and i have a fascination with elves and big eared hobbits ^w^;;

I dont mind random PQs, I quite like such since im rather bored rigth now cause i wont have any job this summer - sighs -

Well, here we have moi :3

Comics By Zolah

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
Fanfic / slash fic - an american tail
  • Fantasy |
  • 11 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The Necromancer Tiolas gets called to the school of dark arts , the reason is unknown and there is a suprise for all of us.
  • Fantasy |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Thats my life folks

Comics Assisted By Zolah

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Zolah

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A cute magical girl comic (in color!) about a girl named Chibi! And all of her little friends. And they have magical items! And Fight bad guys! Weird, spazzy humor with lost of color and cute things! Yeah! Whoo!

{STORY \ Bruno Cotting {ILLUST \ Viviane {READING \ from left ---> to right [occidental] {GENRE \ Mystery, Thriller

Fearing an imminent breakdown, the Grim Reaper decides to take a Holiday. After an exhaustive search for a replacement, he finds only his cousin’s nephew’s son to collect the souls of those who are perishing. He is… Jim Reaper.

16-year-old Colin Cooper has just received a rejection letter from the school of her dreams. What can a girl do in such a moment of bare desperation?! Plan to reapply as a boy, of course. [Reads from left to right~]

Ultimate X, where what we did was take your normal, everyday letter X, pump him full of drugs and booze, sex him up some and chuck on a fine pimp hat.


Zolah's friends

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Zolah

No videos.




Viviane_ch at 12:42PM, April 7, 2008

Thanks I'm fine. You too?

Viviane_ch at 10:03AM, March 15, 2008

I'm very busy (as always^^;;). I'm drawing the cover image for the second volume of Gott Gauss right now.^^ It's a nerve-racking artwork.=__=;;

Viviane_ch at 9:01AM, Jan. 5, 2008

I wish you (belated^^;;) much fortune for the new year!!!

Viviane_ch at 8:54AM, Dec. 1, 2007

Thanks! I'm fine.^^ How are you?

Viviane_ch at 8:30AM, Oct. 13, 2007

*LOL* With eating all this cookies I can't dare to show up in a bikini anymore next summer! XD~ Unfortunately, I can't draw manga full time, because I can't live from its earnings. Thus I've mainly to work as graphic designer. Drawing manga was and still is my hobby but also has become a job, 'cause GG has been published, so I have deadlines, now.^^

Viviane_ch at 7:20AM, Sept. 15, 2007

Many thanks for recommending my manga (and of course for the muffin - tastes well *lol*)!!!~^.^~

Ogre fairy at 12:04PM, Sept. 6, 2007

Hi Zolah! *waves*

Viviane_ch at 10:01AM, June 9, 2007

Thank you too for your add!!!~^.^~ I'm just a simple manga fan and drawer who added you, nothing special, I think.^^

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