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member since September 09, 2009


it's been almost a year since i started drawing awkward days, with a very vague outline for the comic's direction ( I had four main characters, no villain, and only a long term plot.) since then i have began a small plot, a (temporary) villain, some supporting class and cast, and have hung a plot diagram next to my desk.
the comic is going slow right now because of of the fact that i am in my senior year and am also working on a comic for an project that is very serous. the comics still alive, but it's down to two comics every other weak, as the tide of work seems to follow a pattern. i'l try to get a third page up here and there but stuff happens.

Comics By arkcine

  • Fantasy |
  • 75 pages |
  • last: July 13 2012 |
sometimes reality makes no sense. this is the story of what happens when science and magic are intertwined with high school. or at least in this cast's universe.

Comics Assisted By arkcine

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Comics Recomended By arkcine

In the year 3021 humanity has a new foe greater than ever before. The battle for survival is fought by advanced technology and reawakened magic. Join us as the next generation of warriors are forged.

A story about the day-to-day life of an alchemist and his imp. Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

in which the guardian of souls recruits an alien warlord to blast the hell out of hell.

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Two Dwarfs, Wheels and Boat are commissioned to start an institute in post war Terra. They are to promote understanding between the former enemy races. Wheels has a pet project as well. Study the Mythical magicless race called Humans that once walked Terr

Follow the adventures of the dark witch Meryl and her werewolf minion Gin as they fend off overly affectionate vampires, rival witches, dangerous dungeons and annoying village kids looking for adventure.

3 out of 5 pookas enjoy this comic..

In a world where fantasy and magic are reborn, only one man stands for the ideals of knighthood. He is Terry Lingal, the Errant Apprentice.


arkcine's friends

  • lord tundra
  • Volte6
  • Hguyver
  • Xiam

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