Public Profile


member since June 06, 2018


“people commercially exploit the bizarre or the tragic whilst pretending to be indignant about it. And then, if an artist or a musician tries to deal with the same subjects, they're immediately accused of approving of those subjects.”

-Genesis P-Orridge

Comics By artisto_escondido

  • Sci-Fi |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: May 12 2019 |
  • 1 like
Meet the future. Same as the past.
  • Sci-Fi |
  • 196 pages |
  • last: Jan. 1 2025 |
Life, Death, Rebirth, Fungi

Comics Assisted By artisto_escondido

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Comics Recomended By artisto_escondido

God is always depicted as a being far above normal humans, who always knows what is the right thing to do. However, what if God was more like a normal man and a particularly bad one? Nothing good would happen from that. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to lacking ideas, I've stopped updating this comic. Even if I might update in the future upon getting ideas, this comic should be considered to be over.

A modest little tale that starts out slow and peters out altogether.

Otto Wilcox is content with his lackluster life until his fate becomes entangled with that of Jupiter, a robot who's lived on earth since the year 1000 AD. Contact:

Mythologia is a graphic novel series introducing the authentic stories of the ancient Greek heroes. The art is drawn by Anna Kharitonova and the story is written by Dimitris Manos.

A greedy corporate analyst contracts a supernatural disease that forces him to help others instead of making money for himself. He soon discovers that every time he helps someone, they get it, too!

This is the story of the day that Trevor finally died. (Slasher/horror, R) COMPLETED


artisto_escondido's friends

  • Jason Moon
  • HawkandFloAdventures
  • Avart

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By artisto_escondido

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