Public Profile


member since September 09, 2010


Im a writer and cartoonist living and working in London, England- So if you are American then: Yes, I do live in a castle; Yes, I probably do know that one guy you met that time; and Yes, I do have bad teeth.

You can find some of my other work here:

You can also follow me on Twitter:

And if you really wanna go the extra mile there is even a My TV is Evil Fan Page on Facebook.

Check me out: all over the web like an ejaculating spider!

Comics By bnortondavies

  • Fantasy |
  • 178 pages |
  • last: April 30 2012 |
My TV is naughty, impish, rude and downright evil.

Comics Assisted By bnortondavies

No comics.

Comics Recomended By bnortondavies

The inner thoughts and whims of Dave, the comic's protagonist (and, coincidentally, it's creator) are the main focus of this mainly autobiographical journal comic. There's a strip that includes a sexy pirate -- is that incentive enough for you?

bnortondavies's friends

  • Ateljux
  • Volte6
  • man in black
  • Randal
  • I Am The 1337 Master
  • ayesinback

Videos Shared By bnortondavies

No videos.




ayesinback at 1:18PM, Oct. 17, 2010

Thanks for the add. I actually majored in TV, so I am particularly fond of the evil medium. Keep it up :)

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