Public Profile


member since August 08, 2010


I like drunk duck since it lets me follow multiple comics in just one site. It really helps with the comics that generate as often as once a week or some less than once a month. I don't have to keep checking their site.
So who I am really?
Well I am Christian that reads webcomics. Being in college I really don't have much time (math major at the University of Minnnesota). I like following web comics since they really only take a few minutes every day to follow 50+ stories.
What still more?

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cres0055's friends

  • KuTaiNinja
  • Mr_Henry
  • artdude2002
  • Volte6
  • ROW
  • lizinverse
  • PPPchairman
  • CornTown

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PPPchairman at 9:26AM, Jan. 7, 2013

You are a very loving person and I hope God blesses you for the sincere and kind words you give to other artists.

cres0055 at 4:25PM, Nov. 12, 2012

Some people may notice that I am commenting on every comic...why am I doing that. Well for one it's nice to write for 1-5 minutes on each comic if the person is going to spend like 2-10+hours on the comic for you. But the main reason is that the author of "Adventures of Wristance" committed suicide. That really opened my eyes as to what I should be doing. The Webcomic community is very small and very easy to make a big dent in it. So as a Christian if I really believe that Jesus can make peoples lives better then I should out of love be trying to spread his love as much as I can. I can afford to be nice for 30 minutes of my day to make someone have a better day.

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