member since April 04, 2010
Man:Sir can i have your wallet?
Other Man:Why?
Man:I just want to see it.
-Man gives man his wallet-
Man:Yes i see…
Other Man:So…?
Man:It's leather. =3
-The End-
Halo is awesome
Call of Duty is awesome
Team Fortress 2 is awesome
Sims 3 is awesome
Civilization V is awesome
Russians are awesome
Yo moma's awesome (In bed)
Star Wars Battle Front 2 is awesome
Pizza is awesome
Skateboards are awesome
Psych is awesome.
Comics By goldlegos
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Comics Assisted By goldlegos
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Comics Recomended By goldlegos
Talfryn is a city that has attracted people from all over with its utopian peace and tranquility. But a lot can change in the span of a week. Detective Pink Panther will definitely learn that. AGENCY is a huge, multi-genre, multi-universe anthro fancomic. Rated T+ for graphic violence, themes and destroying favorite characters from your (or your parents') childhood.
What happens when a Grizzly Bear awakens from hibernation, to find the world he knew being consumed by zombies?
The Old West, an era when all a man could count on was his horse and his six-gun, and Indians fought a losing battle with European settlers, or cowboys. Until somebody else entered the fight: aliens! A Platinum Studios comic!
The world has become besieged by the undead. Our tale joins Jonas Milton on his adventure to discover what happened and more importantly, why he didn't die!
A webcomic set in Planescape, Sigil, and the Multiverse at large.
A girl is teleported into Ratchet's world after a...shocking incident, and is stuck there until she can find a way home. Oh, and there's the fact that she's the one who says that he's nothing more than a videogame character in her dimension.
It's comic. About Shadow. Being who he isn't. Doing what he wouldn't. And saying what he shouldn't.
The tale of a bunch of laid-back, but sternly serious Sith and their never-ending war against the Jedi Order. The Sith hits the fan every Monday and Thursday!
Ever wonder what the Starfox team does when there isn't a war to fight? Now's your chance to find out.
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Videos Shared By goldlegos
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