Public Profile


member since April 04, 2010


I live in this awesome place where people think British accents are cool, Where hobos roam the streets naked and stealing people's coats, Where the justice system is so fucked up it makes Communists look like good people, Where people are really racist and are sayin' stuff like “N1gg@!” and other offensive stuff, Where people don't appreciate nature and hate Canada cause it has beauitful plants ‘n’ stuff, Where a retard is the president, Where 4 guys got their heads carved on mountains cause they were awesome, Where people don't like Muslims. I live in a place where foreigners call “Stupid” even though were the most advanced country in the world, A country that people call “Fat” even though MOST of us are NOT fat and either Average or Skinny. A place the is so awesome that your like “Wow dude that's awesome ‘n’ stuff!” A place called… AMERICA!
Man:Sir can i have your wallet?
Other Man:Why?
Man:I just want to see it.
-Man gives man his wallet-
Man:Yes i see…
Other Man:So…?
Man:It's leather. =3
-The End-
Halo is awesome
Call of Duty is awesome
Team Fortress 2 is awesome
Sims 3 is awesome
Civilization V is awesome
Russians are awesome
Yo moma's awesome (In bed)
Star Wars Battle Front 2 is awesome
Pizza is awesome
Skateboards are awesome
Psych is awesome.

Comics By goldlegos

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Comics Assisted By goldlegos

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Comics Recomended By goldlegos

Talfryn is a city that has attracted people from all over with its utopian peace and tranquility. But a lot can change in the span of a week. Detective Pink Panther will definitely learn that. AGENCY is a huge, multi-genre, multi-universe anthro fancomic. Rated T+ for graphic violence, themes and destroying favorite characters from your (or your parents') childhood.

What happens when a Grizzly Bear awakens from hibernation, to find the world he knew being consumed by zombies?

The Old West, an era when all a man could count on was his horse and his six-gun, and Indians fought a losing battle with European settlers, or cowboys. Until somebody else entered the fight: aliens! A Platinum Studios comic!

The world has become besieged by the undead. Our tale joins Jonas Milton on his adventure to discover what happened and more importantly, why he didn't die!

A webcomic set in Planescape, Sigil, and the Multiverse at large.

A girl is teleported into Ratchet's world after a...shocking incident, and is stuck there until she can find a way home. Oh, and there's the fact that she's the one who says that he's nothing more than a videogame character in her dimension.

It's comic. About Shadow. Being who he isn't. Doing what he wouldn't. And saying what he shouldn't.

The tale of a bunch of laid-back, but sternly serious Sith and their never-ending war against the Jedi Order. The Sith hits the fan every Monday and Thursday!

Ever wonder what the Starfox team does when there isn't a war to fight? Now's your chance to find out.


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  • Volte6

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