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member since April 04, 2010



Comics By ifeelsoincredible

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Comics Recomended By ifeelsoincredible

dream*scar: in a world where creatures of myth and lore are now known to exist -- amidst the racism, what would you do if you knew you were one of them? one of the dangerous ones? [d*s is done in full colour; pg13; occult/drama/action/romance/comedy]

Princesses, maids, swords, sexual ambiguity, romance, and revolution.

Things are going quite spiffy for Chloe during her first week as a university freshman. She even manages to land a job on the newspaper staff. Then she meets the editor she is supposed to be assisting...


After inadvertently becoming ensnared in the phenomenon known as The Authority Game, Micki Morris has just one month to fight her way to the top and keep her promise! A lighthearted, full colour manga set to update twice a week.

The Island of March is a peculiar place for it's divided in half by a chalk line. One side of the island is populated by regular people, led by the wealthy merchant Sliced Hamm. On the Other Side however it's a different Story: pirates, lead by Nino Magliani, a mysterious tribe, a dissatisfied poet, Machiavelli's grandson and a bouquet of strange characters make life incredibly chaotic for Nino's daughter, Roxanne and her best gay friend Errol. But Roxanne has a plan to make the chaos stop, stipulate a peace treaty between the People and the Pirates, constantly at war. It all seems to work, until the owner of the island comes back.

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  • Volte6
  • Darwin
  • picatrix

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