Public Profile

member since June 06, 2010
Indigo Bunting, Vampire, is a webcomic I created over Memorial Day, 2010. The story begins with two main characters, Indigo, a vampire whos been living the unlife for about 5 years, and Duncan, a Familiar from the Underworld. All artwork and dialogue is created on Paint. If I can do it, so can you.
Comics By indigobunting
- Fantasy |
- 3 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Supposedly funny police tales of the animal world.
- Fantasy |
- 237 pages |
- last: Aug. 5 2013 |
The life and times of Indigo Bunting, Vampire, and his Familiar, Duncan, as they contend with life, death, unlife, babes, jobs, and horror films.
- Horror |
- 29 pages |
- last: Aug. 5 2013 |
The life and times of HP Lovecraft Jr, with his friends Clark Smith and Bob Howard, and their nemesis, Edgar. Horror, the macabre, and homework.
Comics Assisted By indigobunting
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Comics Recomended By indigobunting
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Videos Shared By indigobunting
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Foxy_Kitty_Girl at 12:58AM, Nov. 15, 2010
thanks for all the support