member since March 03, 2007
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Comics By joshman
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Comics Assisted By joshman
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Comics Recomended By joshman
The ongoing story of an amazing team of superheroes who can never seem to get anything to work right.
A comic about everyone's favorite pirate-themed 80s supergroup, Adam & the Ants!
Intellectual humor and solid art sprinkled with a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes. John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes, that is.
Brutus is a moody bird that gets into a lot of trouble. Come check out all fun with him and his friends....(wow cheesy description) Remember Brutus back in the early days of DrunkDuck....he is BACK.
Who's Who on DrunkDuck Universe
If you like your super-heroes will a super-sized order of french-fried funny, then FantastiTeam is the comic for you. If, on the other hand, you like well-plotted, well-drawn comics that seek to advance the medium... Sorry.
The greatest heroes in the Legacy Universe against the greatest forces of evil!
Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place
Philosophy and absurdities of two fish in a fish tank... Occasional guest stars and external locations.
Four unlikely superheroes are sent a message to meet up to become known as the "Paint Heroes". [discontinued]
Speesheez is the profiles corner here in Drunk Duck.
You know the drill.
RETIRED: 2006. Roommate insanity. 4 college grads getting by on mac n' cheese, ramen noodles & cheap beer. This was my "baby" for almost 12 years, I finally retired it after 8 sets of rejection letters from syndicates. R.I.P.
Where do old superfolk go when it's time to get out of the game? To Valhalla - Home for the Supertired. A Th3rd World Studios web comic. Updates every Tuesday and Thursday, without fail.
There are those who have non-human bloodline...
2 Aliens. Disguised as dogs. Here to study human life. Hilarity ensues. Updates Mon-Wed-Fri. Check back for monthly fill-in-the-bubble CONTESTS, too.
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