Public Profile


member since May 05, 2009


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Comics By mailleseraph

No comics.

Comics Assisted By mailleseraph

  • Fantasy |
  • 156 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
Real life is funny. Sometimes painful. But still funny.

Comics Recomended By mailleseraph

A heroic quest of frienship and hardship and other kinds of ships.

Hatpire is a dialogue-free, cute comic featuring the adventures of a little vampire named Hatpire. He has a Plague Doctor buddy named Schnabel and a kitty as well as a host of other fellas throughout the entire comic.

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

A charming story in which a little girl's imaginary friend is, in fact, the Grim Reaper. People die, hilarity ensues. Somehow.

Sarah is a fairly ordinary person who just wants to lead a quiet life but seems to have a habit of getting herself into extremely complicated situations! Contains themes of an LGBT nature.

Real life is funny. Sometimes painful. But still funny.

10 comics a day for thirty days by two people makes 600 comics. Do the math! Do it!! We can't figure it out!!!!

A biographical journey into the many conquests of an ill-tempered lad chronicled in simplistic over the top antics.


mailleseraph's friends

  • Jasonmcafoose
  • Volte6
  • Maddmatthias247
  • cirienphoenix
  • AidenYipster

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By mailleseraph

No videos.




cirienphoenix at 7:51PM, Aug. 13, 2010

The admins say you need to use the classic uploader which is linked from the new uploader since you're listed as an "assistant" on our comic. Otherwise it will continue to label you as me.

Maddmatthias247 at 2:19PM, July 9, 2009

Bro, your comics rock!

cirienphoenix at 12:30AM, June 23, 2009

I fucking love you and your amazing new avi pic. XD

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