member since February 02, 2013
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In an alternate, future world, a Vampire seeks to destroy the one responsible for his curse.
Agents of Darkness have uncovered the INFINITUM KEY, bringing the end of all days with it. The vampire king Blood Rign and Paula DeMaine, the wearer of the Devil Jack, team up to stop them....but can they survive their first meeting?
A small hidden world, and its Dragon deity, are threatened with destruction. Its up to a small band of forgotten heroes, to stand, and defend the world against impossible odds, while, re-discovering the lost heroes within themselves. Fantasy/action sci-fi
In an alternate reality, the civil war continues. Jerimiah Claw,...deserter, Mercenary, Warlock, Gun for hire, roams the lands, seeking forgivness for his sins. Sins, that the monstrosities of this dark world, wish to silence forever. A Lovcraft Western.
My sketchbook of various scribbles,commission art, doodles and short stories.
A legless cat, and a gnarly toothed pup, wander an Apocalyptic Wasteland in search of drinkable water, corn chips and Adventure!!
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