member since November 11, 2007
_ Princess_Of_Darkness_
Comics By princess_of_darkness
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Comics Assisted By princess_of_darkness
- Fantasy |
- 5 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
Comics Recomended By princess_of_darkness
Memoirs of a badass (Me!)
Caggage's cute exterior hides a surreal, manic depressive variety show drawn from haunted nightmare visions and general malaise. It features two little guys, an orange thing and a squidkitten.
It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!
Hi I'm Carly, and for some reason I scare the Buh-Jeezus outta people! Not intensionally, they just think I'm weird. But I'm a really nice normal person. With lots and lots of friends! Lots of 'em, yup, lots. Who? Um, people too important to tell you
**-After hiding her relationship with Amy for years, Shanna is found out by Layla- a girl renowned at school for her insane 'vigilante justice'. Shanna must keep Layla from telling her secret--but how? [keywords:yuri, lesbian, gl, romance, shoujo-ai]
Champagne comedy served in two half pints. The completely random adventures of Campbell and Henderson. *WARNING - may contain zombies, aliens, acorns, jellyfish, anti cloud sentiments and possibly a punchline or two.
Many things have now changed, people have come and gone... but i guess all they can do is go on living there life.
Ezra was the kind of person that never looked at long term relationships and instead did one night stands. Until she fell in love at first site, but her love was just the same, as well and left after she got what she wanted. Can Mily fix Ezra's heart?
A tale of Zombies, Survival and love.
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Videos Shared By princess_of_darkness
No videos.
lon_bon at 11:18AM, Feb. 5, 2008
hola__ how are you!! he he he
shino at 12:07PM, Nov. 12, 2007
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! ^w^ YOUR MY TISHY!!!!!!!!