Public Profile


member since July 07, 2008


age 13
hair blond
eyes green
weight 90to100
height about 4foot10
sex male
likes SWeXy,music,reading,writing,drawing,learning about ancient mythology,playing mmorpgs,skating,hyking,thinking,sitting alone in the dark thinking about life, anime, and just chillin outside enjoying natures beauty.
dislikes, people without problems, rich people,mean people, annoying people, stupid people, most music made after, and durring the 90s, stuck up people who think there better,meat,and pennsylvania.

Comics By rhaneshadow

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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Join rhane, a teenager with no memory of his past, and no clue of his future. Join him as he uncovers the truth about who he is, searches for a true love, discovers the meaning of life, unearths a foe bent on his demise, and finds a true purpose in being.

Comics Assisted By rhaneshadow

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Comics Recomended By rhaneshadow

What happens when you die, do you go to heaven, hell, do these after-worlds really exist. What happens when you go to the place you thought was heaven and find it corrupted, destroyed, the very thing you thought would be salvation only wishes to consume.

Follow Lizzy, a bored teenager living in a strange hollow world, as she sets out for Urbia city, the land of absolute freedom... or is it? visit for the interactive flash version!

On Princess Delaria's 13th birthday, she is to select a Knight of service to protect her and perform her will. The castle is shocked when she chooses foreign Knight in training, Mizuki Shiro, and such decisions cannot bode well.

rhaneshadow's friends

  • kyupol
  • SWexY
  • Inkmonkey
  • Volte6

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By rhaneshadow

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SWexY at 8:04AM, July 25, 2008

YO! ^w^ Wats up? Thankies for recommending my comic ^w^ your so awesomeness dude!!! XD

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