Public Profile


member since March 03, 2008


Age: 26
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Mom
Kids: 3
Likes: Spending time with the family, playing online, reading, hanging out with friends, playing D&D.
I'm open to get to know anyone and try to be fair to all. I'm kind and considerate to all I know and love.
Dislikes: Rude, immature, prejudiced, selfish people who think the world revolve around them. People who judge other's by the way they look.

Comics By wrathanslady

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Comics Assisted By wrathanslady

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Comics Recomended By wrathanslady

Changes is the story of a boy becoming a Girl in the realm of the BDSM lifestyle. Many emotional twists and turns happen as our hero tries to discover hir true path in life.

Aria wakes up in an unknown village, suddenly without her sister, or the important artifact she was charged to carry. When a strange man offers her his protection, she must decide whether to place her wavering trust in him, or to go it alone.

a young couple is one night saved by a mysterious woman after an accident but, must when the time is right give up their daughter to this mysterious unaging Mistress. Once in Mistress Circe's clutches her life is never the same, but, will she like it?

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Once every 100 years, Nemution will be formed into a jewel his sould searching for his eternal lover. Once merged they must both accept each other for a complete transformation. However, because the lover is unable to recognize and prepare ones body for the merge, they destroy each other and are once again parted for 100 years; till nemution rises again and his reborn eternal lover is called to him. After many years of separation, Nemution has once again found his eternal lover; a promise and a vow, forever kept. But a new torment awaits the eternal lover. YAOI/BL

When a guardian angel comes to a despondent, middle-school artist, she finds her life to be much more than it seems.

Following what was supposed to be the best day of any girl's life, Angela finds out that her life is not all what it seems. Because of her position, she is caught up in a war between two demon clans.


wrathanslady's friends

  • Darwin
  • mariposa nocturna
  • Michii
  • poonipoonz
  • nightmaresky
  • Manga Mystics
  • Volte6
  • Jiro Katsu

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